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комментарии к фотографиям комментарии к фотографиям
страница 1

Paul Stam | 2011-02-19 21:23 | 30372
Nice catch
Paul Stam | 21:23
Nice catch

Як-3У RA-3482K/48
ErwinS | 2011-07-14 23:57 | 29470
She is RA-3482K ;-)
Михаил Лисовский | 2011-02-07 13:08 | 29469
Можно подписать как "Як-3У" http://www.airwar.ru/enc/fww2/yak3u.html
Paul Stam | 2011-02-07 12:52 | 29467
I have found the type from the database of Jetphotos
...и ещё 3 комментария
Paul Stam | 12:52
I have found the type from the database of Jetphotos

Ил-76ТД RA-76370
Максим Максимов | 2011-02-14 01:29 | 26885
Paul, corrected.
Paul Stam | 2011-02-14 00:33 | 26884
By accident I fill in the WRONG s/n. The RIGHT s/n is: 1023414458.
Is it possible to change it?
Paul Stam | 2010-12-26 14:29 | 26883
By accident I uploaded this photo with the wrong s/n. The right s/n/ should be s/n 1023414458.

Is it possible to correct this?
...и ещё 1 комментарий
Paul Stam | 00:33
By accident I fill in the WRONG s/n. The RIGHT s/n is: 1023414458.
Is it possible to change it?

Paul Stam | 14:29
By accident I uploaded this photo with the wrong s/n. The right s/n/ should be s/n 1023414458.

Is it possible to correct this?

Ан-72-100 ER-AVD
kiba | 2010-03-20 16:59 | 15509
fixed, thanks!
Paul Stam | 2010-03-20 14:13 | 15508
When I look to the registry record the Antonov belongs to Pecotox Air at the time I made the photo and NOT Enimex
Paul Stam | 14:13
When I look to the registry record the Antonov belongs to Pecotox Air at the time I made the photo and NOT Enimex

Ан-12БК RA-12988
Paul Stam | 2010-01-10 21:18 | 12297
Thank you for your kind words.

Yes there is a lot of smoke.
Олег Зиминов | 2010-01-10 11:11 | 12296
Красавчик!!! А как коптит!!!
Paul Stam | 21:18
Thank you for your kind words.

Yes there is a lot of smoke.