156524 | Erik Romanenko | 2015-02-21 22:21:00 | 156524 синевы бы поменьше.. |
| Константин Катаросов | 2015-02-22 02:19:00 | 169786 Пятерка! |
| Илья Соловей | 2015-02-21 23:06:00 | 169785 На закате-то? Эт вряд ли. | ...и ещё 4 комментария
156397 | Илья Соловей | 2015-02-20 00:15:00 | 156397 Оой, чоета раздвоилось... |
| Илья Соловей | 2015-02-20 00:34:00 | 169626 Кадр, датированный июнем, можно выпилить. | |
156281 | Андрей Чурсин | 2015-02-18 20:06:00 | 156281 Никакая это не ерунда. Отлично получилось. Ещё и с лампочками... |
| Андрей Чурсин | 2015-02-18 20:18:00 | 169508 Я тоже :) |
| Илья Соловей | 2015-02-18 20:09:00 | 169507 Это просто я остальные кадры не засветил :D | |
155768 | Vladimir Karlov | 2016-03-18 23:24:00 | 155768 Борт судя по всему летает, наблюдаю на фр24. |
| Николай Тюменцев | 2016-12-22 12:01:00 | 168904 Точно, летает. |
| Николай Тюменцев | 2016-10-17 15:31:00 | 168903 ДА, летает. | |
155767 | andre | 2015-02-11 01:43:00 | 155767 Hi Ilya, very nice poctures of the Tu-134's in the snow. Is it still possinle to fly the Tu-134 out of Chelyabinsk beginning of june this year during my visit to Russia. Imwant to have a couple of flights in the Tu-134 before they are all out of service. I thought Bylina is out of business but maybe Centre-Yug is still flying. I know flights between Samara and Ufa or Ufa-Naryan-Mar-Kirov. Please let me know what is possible in Chelyabinsk including spotting/photography. Other Russian planes to get tickets for in Chelyabinsk (an24/26 or Let410, Tu154)? Thank you for helping me and greetings from The Netherlands/Amsterdam Andre' |
| andre | 2015-02-11 23:09:00 | 168901 Hi Ilya, First of all your English is much better thank you may think and secons thank you for your detailed information. The pictures in the snow are very very nice. I wish they reactivate the Tu-134's for the summer. Centre-Yug is a strange company. Sometimes they have a couple of bookable flights. For me "the aviation enthusiast" I hope they have some scheduled flights during my visit beginning of june this summer. Maybe I will visit Chelyabinsk for the Angara An-148 flight. If so I will let you know. Thank you for your help, I appreciate that very much and if you know something special flight for me let me know, Andre | |
154437 | Виталий Высоцкий | 2015-01-18 05:07:00 | 154437 Отличное фото!!! |
| AndreyIKT | 2015-01-18 09:58:00 | 167365 Отличное фото!!! |
| VLK spotter | 2015-01-18 06:53:00 | 167364 Когда по осени такой в Толмачёво заходил, тучу сажи видно гораздо раньше чем сам самолёт | |
152873 | Fencer | 2014-12-19 03:12:00 | 152873 Заводской № 0615326 | |
152385 | Илья Соловей | 2014-12-10 22:51:00 | 152385 Наш, шагольский. Недавно с ремонта. |
| VVN | 2014-12-10 23:17:00 | 165192 Метки на шинах нанесены белой краской:))) |
| Виталий | 2014-12-10 23:11:00 | 165191 Вас понял!..Спасибо!
| Виталий | 2014-12-10 22:45:00 | 165189 Илья?....это ваш борт??
| |